Diamond is committed to education.
Diamond understands that children are the key to the future. That’s why she co-sponsored 13 education bills to improve public education for children just like ours, including House Bill 336, which would provide a nurse in every school building, like many of us grew up with. A recommendation of the American Academy of Pediatricians, school nurses ensure that every child is healthy and able to focus on what our schools are designed for: learning.
Diamond is committed to getting our children the resources they deserve, including fully funding our public schools. Many of us remember a time when every kindergarten classroom had a teacher’s assistant and school buildings weren’t crumbling around our children. Diamond is fighting to return us to that legacy and fulfilling the constitutional duty to provide every child with a sound basic education by co-sponsoring critical legislation like House Bill 885.
Too many of us have seen the national teacher shortage first hand when our children have long term substitutes for core classes. We know how this impacts our children’s learning. As a mom, Diamond understands this too, which is why she has co-sponsored several pieces of legislation that would rebuild our teacher pipeline (House Bills 291 and 849) and focus on educator retention (House Bills 333 and 369).
As a nurse and healthcare administrator, Diamond understands the importance of health when it comes to our children’s academic outcomes. That’s why she fought for House Bill 336 that would put a nurse in every school. She also supports House Bill 844 which provides school meals for every student, a simple intervention that is research-proven to improve academic outcomes.
Diamond agrees with the NC Chamber that pre-k is a fiscally responsible way to invest in North Carolina’s future. In fact, every dollar invested in pre-k will yield $8.90, making expanding public pre-k a common sense investment, which is why Diamond co-sponsored House Bill 846.