Diamond delivers on accessible healthcare.
As a nurse and healthcare administrator, nobody is more suited to ensuring better, more accessible healthcare than Diamond. Diamond’s mother struggled with mental health, and Diamond knows firsthand how important prevention, diagnosis, and ongoing treatment are to ensuring the whole family is able to thrive. That’s why Diamond worked to expand Medicaid to cover hundreds of thousands of people who didn’t have healthcare coverage before.
Diamond is committed to ensuring healthcare is high quality and accessible for everyone. That’s why she voted to expand Medicaid and co-sponsored the SAVE Act which lowers healthcare costs and can actually prevent closure of struggling, rural hospitals. With a shortage of primary care providers across the state, but especially here in Cabarrus County, Diamond is delivering real results that have a real impact on our access to healthcare.
Diamond’s lived experience growing up with a mother struggling with mental health has given her unique insight into one of the biggest challenges facing North Carolina right now. Diamond has fought to prevent suicide as well as advocating for better mental healthcare for first responders. Diamond has delivered on mental healthcare, and is just getting started.
Nobody fights for reproductive healthcare quite like somebody who has something to lose. Diamond has been co-sponsoring legislation to codify Roe and Casey protections, preserve access to contraceptives, and prioritize maternal health by increasing program investment and access to midwifery. People can trust Diamond to continue to prioritize reproductive care, including things as basic as increased access to menstrual products.