Diamond delivers on defending our rights.
Many of us worry that our children will have fewer rights than we do. This isn’t just an existential crisis, either. Diamond knows that workers’ rights, voting rights, and the right to not be discriminated against impact opportunity and our everyday lives. Diamond has spent her time in the NC House sponsoring critical legislation to safeguard our rights here in North Carolina.
Diamond is advocating for all of us, including co-sponsoring House Bill 822, which gets rid of backwards legislation that allows for involuntary servitude of criminals. Additionally, Diamond is fighting for paid sick leave in House Bill 841 to ensure all workers have the time necessary to take care of themselves and their families when ill.
In a representative democracy, voting rights are paramount to all the other rights, which is why Diamond is fighting for everyone’s right to fair elections. This includes House Bill 9, which would fight partisan gerrymandering, and House Bill 293 which fights voter intimidation to ensure that everyone is able to freely and fairly have their say in our democracy.
Diamond supports equality, especially when it comes to discrimination, which is why she co-sponsored bills like House Bill 302 and House Bill 518, which would ensure that nobody is able to be discriminated against because of something they are not able to control such as disability, age, or gender.